16. Other Postgres Clients

Other Postgres Clients Heading

Other Postgres Clients

ND004 C01 L02 20 Other Postgres Clients

So, do you need to use psql to do web development?

No. Other popular client alternatives for inspecting and interacting with your postgres server are:

The course videos will heavily rely on using psql.

Other Postgres Clients Recap

Part 2: database adapters, default connection settings

ND004 C01 L02 21 Other Postgres Clients Part 2


Generally know the default connection settings that come with your Postgres installation. You'll need to set them for every connection you make (on pgAdmin, PopSQL, your web server, etc).

Connection Setting Default
Host localhost (aka,
Port 5432
Username postgres
Password (None)

Other Postgres Clients Quiz

What is the name of the default Postres username?

SOLUTION: postgres


True/False: the default Postgres connection settings are the same no matter what client you use to connect to your Postgres server.


Default host

What is the default host IP address in Postgres?